About us

Precision mechanics driven by experience and innovation

Decades of experience in precision machining of metals guarantee reliability. It only takes a few words to define who we are.

Our long history, starting in 1979 with the efforts of our founder Giorgio Pezzutti, and our present reality, constantly looking to the future underpin our approach to the needs of those who put their trust in us.
At the 5,500 sq.m production facility of our headquarters, 45 highly qualified employees operate with latest generation equipment.

We thrive on solid expertise and a vocation for innovation, sustained by the production capacity of 50 CNC turning and milling centres, with which we produce small, medium and large series of components and assemblies supplying numerous industrial sectors, serving companies in both the Italian and global markets.

Our core business values

Dedication Working with energy and passion
Knowledge Solving problems through communicating and sharing
Skills Nurturing skills and talent
Quality Constantly improving while delivering reliability
Sustainability Respecting the environment through precise energy and production choices
Team spirit Sharing and working together to achieve goals
Efficiency Doing the job well and on time, optimizing resources
loghi del bando Coesione Italia, Unione Europea, Repubblica Italiana, Regione Autonoma Friuli venezia Giulia