
Comprehensive commitment for a better present and future

Operating sustainably is a key part of our philosophy. We do this respecting the environment, managing resources and energy responsibly and rationally, and adopting technologies that reduce emissions and managing waste correctly. Employees working in management and production processes are involved and made aware of actions.
We do this by focussing on people, working hard to improve the quality of employee working lives, supporting them with adequate welfare policies. We also support development of our territory and the growth of the welfare of its community, also through charitable initiatives.
We take it seriously, measuring the value of our actions against a sustainable development model, aligned as far as possible with the UN 2030 agenda goals. This is why we opted for an audit to obtain our ESG rating, assessing our ability to manage environmental, social and governance issues.

Towards a green horizon

Clean energy from renewable sources We use only renewable energy sources. We fulfill our energy consumption from our 600,000 kWh capacity photovoltaic system and from suppliers who rely solely on renewable energy sources.
Electric charging stations We installed electric vehicle charging stations, knowing how important green mobility is, because it helps reduce emissions and consumption of non-renewable resources and improves public health.
New high performance, low consumption compressors State of the art compressors have centralized management to boost delivered power of 117 kW, and average consumption of 85 kW/h during the day and 35 kW/h at night.
Recycling water and oil Cooling lubricants used in processing are constantly filtered to prolong use. At end of life, the emulsion is processed by an evaporator plant that separates oil and water. The water obtained can be reused.
New oil mist extraction system: more efficiency, less consumption We have a latest generation central smoke extraction and filtration system, with oil mist extraction on every machine station. An inverter system and pressure regulator further reduce the kWh necessary for its operation.
Production waste sorting and recycling We recycle waste generated by production processes to encourage recycling and minimize environmental impact.
Led lighting All the indoor and outdoor areas of the factory and offices are illuminated with LED lighting, which lasts longer and consumes less.

ESG rating: environmental, social and governance policies as a lever for development

We opted to be assessed for ESG sustainability rating, criteria used to assess company’s ability to manage environmental, social and governance issues to show our commitment to making a fairer, cleaner world by providing precise, measurable data that can be improved over time.
The rating is based on three factors: Environmental, Social, Governance.

ESG rating results

ESG SCORE 67Of 100
Assessment by section
High performance

Environmental Environmental policies Climate change GHG emissions Energymanagement Products and services Waste Environmental certifications Raw materials 50 100 100 100 85 50 43 100
Social Workforce composition Occupational health and safety Corporate welfare(benefit) Products andservices Employee rights Certification in HR/OHSS/Social Training 65 20 75 100 100 65
Governance Composition of administrative body Penalties and disputes Organisationalcertification andanti-corruption stds Transparency and reputation Management policiesand systems 100 100 33 42
loghi del bando Coesione Italia, Unione Europea, Repubblica Italiana, Regione Autonoma Friuli venezia Giulia